Started in 2010, TMS as we are affectionately known as to our customers started off as a blogspot store selling only Muay Thai shorts and gloves. We have since then carried 70 over MMA, Muay Thai and BJJ brands like JACO Athletics, Fear The Fighter, Yokkao Boxing, Brutal TShirt, UFC, Punishment Athletics, Lumpinee, New Breed, Tri-Coasta, Bad Boy, Triumph United, Dethrone Royalty, Iron Star, Silver Star, Headrush, Venum, Datsusara, Diamond MMA, MusclePharm Sportswear, Fighters Only, TapouT and many more.
In the decade that we have been around, we have participated in ONE Championship's inaugural show at the National Indoor Stadium as the only MMA apparel retailer at the event. Subsequently we also participated in their 2nd & 3rd shows at the National Indoor Stadium.
In 2017, we started designing our own apparel and along the way we create some classics in the South East Asia region like the Void Deck MMA Tee, Old Man Jiu-Jitsu Tee and a favorite among our customers, the PRIDE Tribute Collection as our own tribute to the now defunct and legendary PRIDE Fighting Championships.
As we start on a new decade, we decided to switch things up and one of our main focus is offering fighters both professional and amateur of the different fight disciplines a chance to have their own walkout tees and earn some pocket money! If you are a fighter and would like the chance to earn some extra income, then hit us up on our social media platforms or email us.